Wednesday, July 1, 2015

HIATUS - A Brief Detour to New England for July 4th

Ah, friends. Chickadees. My fellow human beings. As much as I really love you all and had definitely planned on having content prepared for you so that you wouldn't even notice my absence this week, alas, it was not to be. I've got a post ready and prepped for Friday, but other than that you're on your own until I come back on Tuesday or so.

That's right, I'm off on vacation! Visiting the parents, catching up with old friends, bridesmaiding in a wedding - it's all awesome and I'm very happy to be doing it. But it does mean that you'll have to amuse yourselves for a few days. I'm sure you'll be fine!

Meanwhile I'll be trying to make sure I don't accidentally make a serial killer face in any of the wedding pictures. Because, you know, that happens more than you'd think.

Happy Fourth of July and other assorted celebrations!

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