As a creative writing teacher, which I’m sure at least a few
of you know I am, I get asked a lot by my students what they should actually be
watching in terms of movies. I mean, they’ve heard all my rants about how Beauty and the Beast is an abuse
narrative, and how Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are both really, really
rapey. And they are fully aware of how much I don’t like Pocohontas for…pretty much all the reasons, honestly.
So I get asked what, of all of the Disney movies I actually
do like. And my answer is usually the same. I like movies with prominent female
characters, diversity, strong storylines, and interesting philosophical points,
like Lilo and Stitch and The Lion King and Balto and Prince of Egypt
and Mulan.
And then it hit me. These are exactly the kind of movies we
talk about here on this site. Only, you know, we rarely take the opportunity to
talk about movies made for kids. And that’s kind of really a shame.
Why? Well, childhood is when our brains are the squishiest.
It’s when we’re learning about the world and how stuff works. It’s when we’re
gaining the values and perceptions that we will either accept or struggle
against as adults. In short, childhood is when we do most of our learning about
who we are and who we want to be.
Which is why I find it really weird that we have so little
regard as a culture for kids’ movies and media in general. I mean, these are
the films and TV shows and books that are going to shape how the next
generation views the world. Shouldn’t we, maybe, pay attention to that? It
seems kind of important.
We’re full circle here. It is important, and that’s why, for
the next however long it takes for me to run out of things to talk about we’re
going to take one day a week and discuss children’s media. Because it really
does matter, and I’ve been doing you all a disservice by pretending it doesn’t.
All that having been said, of course, let’s get started, shall
To begin, I want to talk about Lilo and Stitch. Not only is this movie fun, it’s also kind of,
well, perfect. It’s the movie that I make my students watch and analyze. It has
everything I really look for in a movie, and it manages to deal with deep and
meaningful social and emotional issues without becoming preachy or maudlin. In
short, I love this movie. It makes me happy. Allow me to tell you why.
For starters, the plot is completely bonkers. The story
begins with an intergalactic hearing on the potentially criminal genetic
experiments of Dr. Jumba. Jumba is charged with using illegal
experimental techniques to create a monster, Experiment 626, a blue, furry
death machine that has only one mission: to find and destroy civilization. Understandably,
the council votes to imprison Jumba and send Experiment 626 to a holding
facility indefinitely.
Only 626 isn’t going down without a fight, and he is
alarmingly good at fighting. He manages to escape from his cage on the carrier,
then jettison himself from the carrier, and eventually manage to send himself
flinging towards Earth. And, improbably, he manages to land on a tiny island in
the middle of the Pacific Ocean: Hawaii.
Or, well, technically, one of the Hawaiian islands. Not Oahu
or any of the major ones. Experiment 626 has the “misfortune” of landing on a
tiny, not particularly populated island with no major cities or even really any
highways. Just a nice quiet place where the people are generally friendly, and
most everyone knows everyone else. In other words, the last place on Earth he
wanted to land.
The aliens aren’t stupid, so they know they have to go after
their rogue creature of destruction. But since none of them really know what
the monster is capable of, and one of their own scientists insists that they
can’t just nuke the planet (it’s a wildlife preserve for mosquitoes), they have
to send down a team to bring 626 back. A team consisting of Jumba and
Pleakley, the bumbling anthropologist. Wacky hijinks ensue.
Meanwhile, in Hawaii, a little girl named Lilo is kind of
having a lot of trouble dealing with…everything. She’s kind of weird, very
melodramatic, angry, and frustrated. Which are all very understandable things
for a little girl who has just lost her parents to be feeling. Oh, did I
mention that? Lilo is an orphan being raised by her older sister Nani. Being
raised, I should add, not particularly well.
Not that this is an indictment of Nani either, for the
record. Nani, who is also still deeply grieving their parents, has been forced
to grow up very fast, and is now tasked with caring and providing for her
little sister, a role she never intended to play. Nani, who the story suggests
is barely out of her teens if she is at all, struggles to make ends meet and
provide Lilo with proper care, something Lilo thwarts at every opportunity.
What makes matters worse is that their social worker, Mr.
Cobra Bubbles, has taken a keen interest in the family, worried that Nani is
leaving Lilo alone and that she isn’t receiving adequate care and attention.
It’s kind of a mess.
Into this falls Experiment 626, who runs into the little
family when they come to pick out a dog from the shelter. The dog is so that
Lilo won’ t be alone so much when Nani has to work and so that they have some
extra security. And Lilo, being the little weirdo she is, picks 626, a blue dog
with alarmingly alien features and an extra set of arms (that he hides). Still,
definitely doesn’t look like a dog. She loves him on sight and names him
Stitch, for his part, doesn’t really have to go with Lilo at
all, but decides to when he runs into Jumba and Pleakley and realizes that
they won’t attack him if he sticks with the small human girl. So Stitch and
Lilo are stuck together, for better or worse.
And in the beginning, it’s mostly worse. Stitch manages to
get Nani fired from her job, which makes Mr. Bubbles very upset, and then accidentally
sabotages her every attempt to find a new one, as those attempts collide with
Lilo’s efforts to make him into a “model citizen”. Things do not look
particularly bright for our heroes.
Just when things start to seem darkest, though, Stitch
starts to change. He begins to think about his actions more. He stops trying to
mindlessly destroy. He actually tries.
And of course it’s too little too late, as another intergalactic collector has
come to try to bring him to justice, and Mr. Bubbles is at the end of his rope
and ready to remove Lilo from her home situation, but it’s still important.
Stitch finally understands that it matters what we do because it will affect
other people.
Which is when the whole story goes to hell. I’m not going to
fully explain the end of the movie, because I’d like to leave a little bit of
mystery here (though, if you haven’t seen it, you should probably do that now),
but I will say this: in the end, it all comes down to family, and more than
that, it all comes down to how you understand others.
Stitch’s great flaw in the beginning, and Lilo’s flaw too,
is that he’s selfish. He thinks of no one but himself. Lilo also has this
problem, and manages to constantly work against her own better interest by
refusing to accept that the needs of others are equal to her immediate desires.
When she wants something, she has trouble listening to reason about why she
can’t have it. And when Nani annoys her, Lilo has no problem making her life
hell. Even if that means that in the long run she’ll be taken away. Because
Lilo is a little kid, as is Stitch, effectively, and therefore has no real
sense of long term consequences.
And this is a bad thing. The movie very clearly shows that
this kind of selfish behavior is bad and wrong and will make you unhappy. It
doesn’t say that Lilo is a terrible person for indulging in it, nor does it
suggest that it’s completely unreasonable that she might be unhappy. It doesn’t
even say that Stitch should have immediately known how to break his programming
to destroy. Not at all. Instead, the film gives us a narrative about maturity
and empathy. About learning how to regard others, and about how to sacrifice
for the good of the community, or the family.
Lilo and Stitch both get their happy ending because they
learn how to be parts of the whole, instead of living alone. And I freaking
love that.
All that is all well and good and a huge part of why I
recommend the movie, but there are other reasons. For starters, who doesn’t
appreciate a Disney movie with not just one, but two female characters of color
in the lead? In fact, there is only one named white person in the film, and she
is a relatively minor character. So that’s pretty cool.
But more than just reaching a quota or something, the movie
actually deals with some really prickly issues. I mean, we actually start out
with a trial talking about genetic experimentation and questions of personhood
and morality, then take a nice quick detour into whether or not the death
penalty is moral, and then swiftly pop down to Earth for a discourse on the
Social Services system and what it means to “provide for” a child.
Oh yeah, in case you missed that, there’s a very interesting
subplot in the film that I didn’t notice until I rewatched it as an adult, but
Nani’s efforts to care for Lilo in a way that would actually be common in
traditional Hawaiian culture, ie, letting her sometimes fall back on the care
of the community and relying on extended family and pseudo-family ties, is
judged as inadequate by the social services system. It’s not explicit, but it’s
interesting to note how this movie ties in with the history of social services’
treatment of indigenous families.
I suppose what I mean to say there is that I went to a
seminar on the Indian Child Welfare Act and Solutions Based Care for social
services providers, and since then I’ve been very interested in the topic.
Anyway, this is a Disney movie, and it’s dealing with death,
grief, and the aftermath of horrific events. It covers big social issues with
grace and humanity, and it manages to come out with an answer that is both big
enough to talk to the larger issues, and small enough to deal with the little
ones: Listen to each other. Have compassion. And never forget that you are part
of a family.
When I think about messages I want to send to the next
generation, or even just messages that I’m glad I got when I was a kid (though I
wasn’t very young when this movie
came out), this is what comes to mind. Lilo
and Stitch is silly and weird and kooky, but it’s also deep and heavy and
important. And that’s good. That’s not something we should shy away from
because we assume that children need to be protected from the bad stuff in the
world. Yes, protect them, but don’t keep them ignorant. Because ignorance is
not bliss, it’s devastating.
The best gift you can give your child is that of compassion
for others. Hands down.
Another thing I love: Lilo's hobby is taking pictures of fat tourists. She thinks they're beautiful. The movie is very fat positive.
ReplyDeleteTruth! I forgot to mention that, but I love that little detail. I also love that they animated Nani to have just a touch of pudge right over her shorts, but to not be afraid to bare that skin anyways. I love this movie.
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