To be entirely honest with you guys, not to imply that I am
usually less than honest, but to be honest, I don’t actually like The Mindy Project all that much. I mean,
I get what it’s going for, and to that extent, I appreciate it, but I don’t
really love it. It’s more that the show has potential. I could love it. If it
ever really got its act together. I could fall in love.
And that’s what I hold
out hope for. A hope that for the record, became just a little bit closer when
I saw the season two premiere.
So, first, the basics. The
Mindy Project is a single camera sitcom created by and starring Mindy
Kaling. Kaling is also the head writer, so one can imagine that she’s a teensy
bit invested in this. Kaling plays Dr. Mindy Lahiri, an OBGYN practicing in
Manhattan. Mindy Lahiri is presumably somewhat different from Mindy Kaling, but
it’s genuinely pretty hard to tell. Not the point, but interesting.
Anyway, as you can see in last year’s pilot report, I didn’t
totally love the show at first sight. I mean, it’s good. It’s very well done.
The execution is flawless. But I never really connected with Mindy as a
character. She’s kind of a terrible person.
But now I wish to lionize her. Not because Mindy Lahiri has
grown up. No. Because she hasn’t. And, in this moment, I want to recognize that
and appreciate it.
With me so far?

Mindy Lahiri is a mess. A total mess. Like, a walking
timebomb of a person. I can’t imagine being around her let alone trying to be
friends with her, and the idea of having her as my doctor stresses me out. Not
because she’s a bad doctor. She isn’t. She’s just such a freaking mess. She’s
not particularly likable, she’s mean-spirited, and she’s shallow. But. She
knows it.
I think that’s what’s turning me around here. Mindy Lahiri
is a total jerk of a person. But she knows she’s a jerk, and she’s trying to
figure out what to do about that.
At the end of last season, her solution was to join the
pastor she was dating on a summer mission to Haiti to work in a hospital there.
This season picks up with Mindy in Haiti. It looks like she’s grown. She’s not
complaining. She’s living a humble life of service for others. And she
professes not to miss her shallow ways.
For about ten minutes before she gets airlifted back to New
York to have gallstone surgery and realizes how much she wants to stay there.

So, Mindy is forced to ask herself if she really does want
to get married on the cheap in her apartment, if she really does want to go
back to Haiti, and if she actually and genuinely has grown up.
The answer to all of those things is, shockingly, no. The
thing is, Mindy knows it. She even says it out loud. “I thought I had gotten
better about liking stuff, but I really just got better at pretending I like
stuff.” Or something like that. I couldn’t find a transcript.
The point is, Mindy knows that she wasn’t really happy, and
she knows that she didn’t really grow up. She is aware of the depth of her
ignorance and the level of her vapidity, and she doesn’t really like it.
That’s not exactly curing cancer, but it’s good. And,
honestly, it’s refreshing to see.
Now that we’ve all calmed down from thinking that the fate
of women in comedy was going to be determined entirely by The Mindy Project or really any one show or movie, it’s easier for
me to look at this show and appreciate it for what it is. What I mean is, this
is a network sitcom starring a woman of color as a frankly unlikable character.
I don’t want to spend time with Mindy Lahiri, but I love the fact that she
Because she so easily could have been nice. It would have
been a lot easier to make this show if Mindy were a creamy confection of
pleasantness. If she were just a doll to work with and everyone liked her. That
would be a lot less effort for the showrunners and the network executives. But
it would be a lot more boring.
Women are not universally nice. We are not universally
strong-willed or empowered, nor are we universally comfortable with ourselves
or, you know, even remotely deep. We are unique, diverse, and sometimes kind of
Mindy Lahiri is not a woman I would pick to represent us, which is kind
of why she’s a great character. She’s not a representative. She’s not our best
foot forward as a gender. She’s just some chick with issues who happens to show
up on everyone’s screen for half an hour a week to complain about her boy
issues. I’ve heard of worse things.
So while I’m not going to recant last year’s rant on how
much I am over this show (which was impressive, since last year I only saw one
episode before writing that), I do want to say that I get it. Mindy Lahiri is
unlikable. She’s a jerk. And that’s what makes her a good character.
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