Sunday, September 8, 2013

NEWS: Captain Marvel Played by Katee Sackhoff? Please.

It's still just in the rumors phase, but Katee Sackhoff has admitted to talking to Disney, and Marvel has admitted to considering a female lead movie in Phase 3 of their Marvel Movie Universe. (Phase 1 was all the movies from Iron Man through Avengers, Phase 2 is Iron Man 3 through Avengers 2, and so on.)

Obviously, we're pretty stoked.

Not only did Marvel execs (specifically Louis D'Esposito) mention that they want a female lead movie in Phase 3, they mentioned Captain Marvel by name. And why the hell not? Carol Danvers isn't just one of the better known female superheroes on Marvel's side (that isn't part of the X-Men), she's also a really awesome character in her own right. Military girl, leader of the Avengers, amazing commander, screwed up personal life - what's not to like?

And Katee Sackhoff is a brilliant choice to play her, if that is indeed true. Well, she's a brilliant choice even if it isn't true. All her previous roles have shown that Sackhoff could rock this role, and I really hope she gets a chance to try.