Saturday, September 21, 2013

Linksgiving (Body Image)

I cannot for the life of me find whoever made this picture. Please comment if you know!

Happy Saturday and welcome back to KMWW's Linksgiving Theme Weeks. Or, as it's probably more accurately known, we have too many bookmarks and need to lighten up that folder weeks.

This week we're looking at body image, and all the various ways that comes through in pop culture and society in general. Have fun!

1. "They're, Like, Way Ahead of the Linguistic Curve" from the New York Times. It's not exactly body image, but it is self-representation, and how teenage girls are actually the vocal trendsetters and creators of our language.

2. "Malaysia's First Female Shooter Is 8 Months Pregnant and Gunning for Gold" from the Mary Sue. Sure, it's from last year. But it's still super cool.

3. "Why Do You Hate the Shape of Breasts in Plate Armor So Much?" is a seriously freaking awesome article that explains exactly why boob armor is a terrible idea and how armor actually works.

4. "On Pins and Needles: Stylist Turns Ancient Hairdo Debate on Its Head" from the Wall Street Journal. A stylist is going through and actually creating all those weird hairdos we see in ancient art, to figure out how they really work. Pretty cool.

5. "My Medical Choice" from the New York Times. Angelina Jolie speaks out about her choice to get a double mastectomy and what it means for her self-image.

6. "Spock's Advice to a Teenage Girl Will Make You Cry" from Buzzfeed is precisely what it sounds like. And that's great.

7. "The Plus-Size Blogging Craze" from The Daily Beast. Wherein the media finally notices that plus-size people like clothes too.

8. "Men Who Idealize Large Breasts Are More Likely Hostile Toward Women" from the Atlantic. So there's that.

9. "This Trendy 'Strong Is the New Skinny' Thing (And What It Could Mean for the Next Generation of Girls)". What is sounds like. Good title.

10. "Jennifer Lawrence Is Not 'Too Big' To Play Katniss" from Slate. Remember all that body-snarking that came out right after the first Hunger Games movie? Well, here's a reminder of why that's all poop.

11. "Tavi Gevinson Dishes on Anna Wintour, Feminism, and Her Plans for World Domination"from BUST. Gevinson has run a style blog since she was all of twelve, and she's got a really interesting take on fashion and body image.

12. "Ralph Lauren Plus-Size Model Robyn Lawley: I'm Proud of My Body" from The Daily Beast. Personal statement from a plus-size model at the forefront of the fashion industry. Neat.

13. "This Woman Is Too Fat for Hollywood?"from Women and Hollywood. Romola Garai talks about the body-shaming she's dealt with in the industry.

14. "The 40 Worst Rob Liefeld Drawings" from Progressive Boink. Remember Rob Liefeld? He's the dude who draws women...oddly. Check it out and laugh.

15. "John Hamm Is Being Treated Like An Actress. He Hates It." from Slate. This one should make you smile a little. John Hamm got in trouble with the Mad Men wardrobe department for being a little...big, and now he has to deal with people objectifying him, staring at him, and scrutinizing his outfits. Our deepest sympathies go out to him.

And now a video to make you smile. Because Sir Mix-a-lot knows the truth. No matter what your body type, someone out there thinks you are hella sexy.

That's it for this week. Linksgiving Theme Weeks will return next week with a look at the Fake Geek Girl phenomenon. Until then, have a pleasant and relaxing week.


  1. "Why Do You Hate the Shape of Breasts in Plate Armor So Much?" is a seriously freaking awesome article that explains exactly why boob armor is a terrible idea and how armor actually works.

    Obligatory Samantha Swords links.

    More than one person has cast her as the real-life Brienne.

    A stylist is going through and actually creating all those weird hairdos we see in ancient art, to figure out how they really work. Pretty cool.

    Very cool indeed. I'm always fascinated by archaeology or history shows where people recreate ancient inventions - but those tend to be tools, devices, buildings and so on - it's cool to see hair being added to the list.

    Also cool is that she seems to have had a mostly positive reaction from the academic field.

    Remember all that body-snarking that came out right after the first Hunger Games movie?

    Yes I do; crap then and crap now. Aside from the points in that article, no amount of acting can convey an authentically starved look - the only way to do that is to authentically starve her, and even Hollywood has limits on how much it'll starve its leads - but what Katniss does look is exhausted, really deep running on empty everything hurtung exhausted - and since severe hunger does that to you, it'll do. And that's something Lawrence is very good at conveying.

    That second review about how the critics were all intimidated into praise was... special. But I did like one of the comments to it: There’s a difference between the female protagonist in Twilight and the female protagonist in The Hunger Games. It explains why some critics would pan the former but praise the latter.

    Difference in the actors too, I'll admit even if I like Kristen Stewart much more than most people seem to.

    1. I LOVE SAMANTHA SWORDS. She makes me deeply happy. Though I am actually pretty happy with the Brienne we got, she would be a good alternative. Also, I could kind of dig seeing her as Jenny Sparks as well.

      As for Kristen Stewart, I actually really like her. She's a very different sort of actress, one who acts more internally than externally. I don't think she's necessarily perfect for every role, but she is quite talented. But Bella Swan sucks the big one.

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