Saturday, July 14, 2012

Linksrence of Arabia (Daniel Tosh is Horrible, Fanfic Statistics, and More!)

Oh my gosh geek icons as religious icons oh my gosh. Check out the rest of them here.
Like I said in my last post, I am now in Hanoi, Vietnam, which makes it a bit harder to remember when normal things happen, like updating my blog and stuff.

I continue to make valiant efforts, though. So, in the meantime, have some Saturday links!

(It's Sunday where I am.)

1. In well-I-guess-you-got-there-first news, Ashley over at Small Strokes Fell Big Oaks apparently beat me to the defense of romantic comedies punch. And her article is really good. So, you can read hers here, and my paltry attempt here. I do actually like knowing I'm part of the zeitgeist.

2. In really-thought-we-were-done-with-this news, the world continues to depress me as comedian Daniel Tosh made a joke about a woman in his audience being raped. Well, she says he did, and he doesn't exactly deny it, so we're going with yeah, he probably did, on this one. Blech. So, if you want, you can read her account of the incident here, and read his completely insincere apology here. Then barf.

3. In adding-another-one-to-the-pantheon news, author Jennifer Weiner has frequently come out in the past to criticize the gendered way we view literature, but now she's reached a whole new level with this timely quote: "If a man writes about a family, it's like, oh, he's really writing about America. If a woman writes about a family, it's just assumed that she's writing about herself." Bravo, darling. Read more about her epicness here.

4. In holy-crap-dibs news, Michael Fassbender has reportedly been cast as the lead in the upcoming Assassin's Creed movie. For starters, I didn't know they were making an Assassin's movie, but I am pumped that they are, because it's a storyline that actually might translate well. And secondly, I love Fassy and everything he does, and whoa baby am I excited. So, read about it here. Also, don't forget that the next lead of the AC family is set to be a biracial woman fighting against slavery in the South, so we like them. A lot.

5. In laughing-too-hard-stop news, apparently someone did actual statistical research on Avengers fanfic, in order to figure out who was getting the most fictional nookie. Yeah. That happened. And naturally the research indicates that Tony Stark is in the lead, but also that people apparently want him to get with Bruce. As in the Hulk. People are weird. But read about it here, because it's funny and you deserve it.

6. And finally, in yes-please news, there is a movie coming out called Dear White People. It is an unsentimental, biting look at race and privilege at a private college in the US. It needs funding in order to be released, and I cannot stress this enough, we need this movie. Watch the trailer, and I'm pretty sure you'll agree.

So that's it for this week. Tune in later for Crossover Appeal, where we're going to be talking sci-fi and Spiderman, and we'll see you on Monday!

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