I have this thing where I tend to enjoy movies about pre-modern Britain. It's not important why. What is important is that I’ve
started to see a pattern. I call it, the Avenging Woad Woman.
Because there’s a thing: most of the movies about
pre-modern, or Iron Age, Britain, feature at least a cameo by the Roman army.
It makes sense, since the Romans were in Britain up until about 400 AD, and
presumably a lot of history went down there. But these stories that focus on
the interplay between the Romans and the Woads always make a couple of
1. The
Romans are our heroes.
2. The
Woads are savages.
3. The
Romans have done terrible things to the Woads.
4. We
should like them anyway.
And I’m just not cool with that.
In particular, I’m talking about two films here: King Arthur, the one with Clive Owen and
Keira Knightley, and Centurion, with
Michael Fassbender and some Russian chick. Also Imogen Poots.
In both of these films, a Roman is our protagonist. In King Arthur, it’s Clive Owen’s Arthur, a
half-Briton/half-Roman officer who identifies almost solely with his Roman
heritage. In Centurion, it’s Michael
Fassbender’s Quintus Dias, a Roman whose background is implicitly Briton. These
heroes are completely devoted to Rome, only to eventually find, near the end of
the film, that Rome is not worthy of their devotion. They then turn to the only
alternative left, and choose to be with the Woads.
There is also, in each of these films, a woman. Actually, Centurion has two. These women are
Woads, who have been wronged by Rome, and who very justifiably desire
vengeance, or at the least, that Rome get the hell out of their country.
They are the enemy.
In King Arthur,
our Woad woman is Guinevere, who was captured and held in a sadistic torture
dungeon by the Roman leader in the North. Arthur rescues her, and brings her
with him back towards the South and safety from Rome. He doesn’t understand
why, even though he speaks kind words to her, she might kind of hate Rome.
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Not a happy bunny. |
Centurion, like I
said, has two women. There is the enraged Etain, whose village was slaughtered
by Rome when she was a girl. Etain was raped and her tongue cut out, so that
she could not tell of Rome’s cruelty. She’s a little pissed off, and may have
vowed to kill any Roman she sees. Strangely, Quintus saying hello to her across
the fire one time did not make her feel better about the slaughter, rape and
loss of tongue.
Also in the film is the more gentle and sympathetic Arianne,
played by Imogen Poots. She’s been outcast by Woad society, so she lives on the
outskirts and plays at being a witch. We’re supposed to like her, because she
cares for our Romans. Again, even though they have decimated her homeland. It’s
cool, she’s merciful, and that does make her an interesting character. But
she’s also held up as “doing the right thing”, while Etain is completely
unreasonable. Which is a little odd.
I don’t object to any of these things on their own. What I
dislike is the combination. Etain is unreasonable, because she still wants to
kill Quintus after he said hello to her that one time. What the movies fail to
understand is that this is the basic zero level of human decency. He said hello
to her. He acknowledged her existence. He didn’t make a speech about how noble
she was, how she deserved more respect, how she ought to no longer be a slave.
He just performed the bare minimum of humanity, and for this we are supposed to
know that he is a good guy. And she,
for not letting that hello wash over years of slavery, rape, and emotional
torment, is evil. Is a wrong creature. Deserves to be killed.
What the hell, Hollywood?
Just because Arthur is kind to Guinevere when he finds her
in a torture dungeon—just because he demands she be freed—that doesn’t mean she
owes him anything. He has performed the absolute minimum required to not be a
horrible person. He hasn’t done anything extraordinary, he has just not done
anything awful. But this is supposed to show what a noble and kingly man he is,
and that she is an untrustworthy Woad for turning on him and trying to get him
to help save her people.
How terrible.
It’s a failed assumption on Hollywood’s part, and it bothers
me. It assumes that we will root for the Roman because he is a man and he is
basically decent. We will root against the Woad woman because she is foreign, a
woman, and angry. Nothing else needs to be established. We can call Rome
rapists and liars, and the audience will still root for our hero, because he is
okay, and she is a bitch.
So here’s the deal Hollywood. No. We don’t root for them for
those reasons. We want heroes who are actually heroic, not just a bare minimum.
We want them to fight people who deserve fighting, not just stereotypes who
have a perfectly reasonable excuse to be pissed. We want real stories, and you
keep giving us this crap.
Cut. It. Out.
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Do not make Gwennie cut a bitch. |
Oh my god I think you are me. These are my exact thoughts on this matter. Why is it impossible to get a movie made about pre/Roman Britain, a topic near and dear to my heart, that isn't subject to this?
ReplyDeleteI pray it's not impossible, because that would be sad. Pre-modern Britain is just way too cool to be saddled with this sexist baggage!